Main Page - OWASP
The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a worldwide free and open community focused on improving the security of application software.
From the past the man of the present acts prudently so as not to imperil the future
The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a worldwide free and open community focused on improving the security of application software.
We’re now launching a new project within Mozilla Labs to formally explore this integration. This project will be known as Weave and it will focus on finding ways to enhance the Firefox user experience, increase user control over personal information, and provide new opportunities for developers to build innovative online experiences.
Tracking Your Fingers with the Wiimote
Low-Cost Multi-point Interactive Whiteboards Using the Wiimote
And You Thought The Wiimote Was Only Good For Games On A Wii!
"What has happened to us is an amazing invention, computers and the internet and TV, a revolution. This is not the first revolution we, the human race, has dealt with. The printing revolution, which did not take place in a matter of a few decades, but took much longer, changed our minds and ways of thinking. A foolhardy lot, we accepted it all, as we always do, never asked "What is going to happen to us now, with this invention of print?" And just as we never once stopped to ask, How are we, our minds, going to change with the new internet, which has seduced a whole generation into its inanities so that even quite reasonable people will confess that once they are hooked, it is hard to cut free, and they may find a whole day has passed in blogging and blugging etc." -- Doris Lessing, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2007.Later, in a panel consisting of Richard Dennison, Matt Locke and Roo Reynolds and moderated by Roger James I was similarly disappointed. Matt had some interesting insights and his six spaces of social media is intriguing and worthy of further thought.
Many of these applications ask users to enter their credentials for some other service so that they can provide a Facebook interface. Unfortunately, users are all too willing to do that if the application offers even a small benefit. [...]
Let me give you another type of scenario: more and more organizations are going to online paystubs. You access them with your corporate authentication credentials. Suppose an employee’s spouse is the one who does the bills. Do you really think that your employees won’t share login credentials with their spouse so that they can access the online paystubs? Don’t be naive. [...]
Letting employees and customers share access appropriately without giving them incentives to give away the keys to the kingdom requires better ways of delegating access than sharing passwords. Delegation should be an anticipated interaction model in network applications that we design and build. Unfortunately, many organizations are struggling just to get single sign-on working let alone designing a complicated delegation system into everything. Sit down for a minute and try to design a reasonable, easy-to-use, secure delegation pattern for one application and you’ll see how complicated this can be.
Many of the “real world” businesses that opened in Second Life are struggling... far, far down in the visitor rankings—deserted, in fact, most of the time. The sites that see the bulk of the traffic are “adult.”
What does seem to work in Second Life is one-off event hosting... But Kelly points out that SL’s very “physicality” (his word) creates as many problems as it solves. For example, if there are a bunch of “people” crowded around the simulated Scion (as might happen in the “real” world), you won’t be able to see it—whereas if you were on a website, you’d be able to see it clearly—along with millions of other people.
I encourage you to experience it for yourself (especially if you plan to pass judgment on it).
If you are an IBMer, the most important thing to remember about Second Life is that it is not a suitable forum to discuss IBM confidential information. Your presence and interactions in Second Life can be recorded, so don't say anything that you would not say in a public place in real life.Sage advice to anyone in SL.
Bye-bye data.
XAware provides data abstraction tool that allows the architect to create a logical database before linking existing physical data stores to it. Thus, this allows the architect to work from the design to the implementation, and provides complete independence from the physical instances of data.
Microsoft posted for download on November 4 a first test build of what it’s calling the Microsoft Sync Framework, technology that will allow developers to take their Web services and databases offline.UPDATE: Mary Jo-Foley just published another article that contains more details.
at BT we’ve done away with the CIO title at our levels. We call ourselves MDs [Managing Directors] because we’re fundamentally managing directors of certain businesses and the head of BT design overall is actually called a CEO which reflects what the person does. Part of the reason to get rid of the CIO title was effectively to say that we represent disciplines far beyond just was in IT in the past or in IS, that we represent networks, we represent products, we represent processes. What we represent is design so it made sense for us to come together and converge on that title.
What Google is doing is not completely open, since after all it is defining its own APIs -- in collaboration with a collection of interested participants who are collectively interested in countering Facebook's growing hegemony -- but it is more open that Facebook's, certainly.
adj. Important or essential in relation to a plan of action; Highly important to an intended objectiveSo I've started to challenge people when they use the word to clarify what they mean. Here's what I mean when I use it, and then I'm going to stop using it if I can...
I mean it is significant, or a course of action that is for the long term and perhaps difficult/expensive to undo; and by long term, intended as a platform for further development (something that could therefore include a licence to increase its significance over time).Conversely I use tactical to mean something that is certainly not significant and can be replaced at any time and certainly cannot be used as a platform.
Update: Socialtext CEO Ross Mayfield points out that his company launched SocialPoint a year ago, which integrates his wiki platform with SharePoint. He congratulates Atlassian and NewsGator on their SharePoint integration.
In any case, companies need to consider the unintended consequences. For starters, if you use open source the chances are good that you will need more developers internally. Bottom line: More analysis will be needed as companies increasingly take the open source plunge.
Unite will be a free PC download that will allow groups of up to five users with mobile access to share calendars, pictures, music and documents via BlackBerry devices. The users in this Unite group will be able to modify appointments and availability as well as send reminders.
The Microsoft Active Directory Topology Diagrammer reads an Active Directory configuration using ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), and then automatically generates a Visio diagram of your Active Directory and /or your Exchange 200x Server topology. The diagramms include domains, sites, servers, administrative groups, routing groups and connectors and can be changed manually in Visio if needed.
Microsoft has nowhere to go but up, with Zunes. It so far hasn’t demonstrated any prowess at outwitting Apple on the design or feature fronts. But might it score points by providing stellar customer support/service — something Apple has been criticized for not doing with the iPhones and new iPods?
Facebook members bare all on networks, Sophos warns of new privacy concerns
Response Point, the product formerly codenamed “Edinburgh,” will be brought to market by handset vendors. It is targeted at companies with one to 50 employees.
Office Live Workspace is, in Microsoft’s words, “a new web-based feature of Microsoft Office which lets people access their documents online and share their work with others.” It’s aimed at consumers and small-business users, not corporations who are interested in being able to access their documents anywhere — from any computer and any browser. In other words, Microsoft isn’t playing up Office Live Workspace as a head-to-head competitor with Google Apps Premier Edition (GAPE). Microsoft is positioning its Microsoft-hosted SharePoint, Exchange and Office Communications Services (which it has now rebranded with as its family of “Office Online” services) as its GAPE competitors.
The move indicates the continued demand for the older operating system, some nine months after Windows Vista hit store shelves.
Google’s vehicle used for its Street View service sighted in London
Networking for productivity and profit
Affinity groups, social capital, connectivity approach are just some of the words coined in the 21st century which reflect the growing importance of networking in business today. In this two-part feature Sharri Whiting examines the power of influence in the global marketplace.
Bullseye on Google: Hackers expose holes in GMail, Blogspot, Search Appliance
Facebook may be getting instant messaging.
Welcome to the IBM® Lotus® Connections Deployment wiki where you can find information to help you get up and running quickly with Lotus Connections.Found on Ed Brill's blog
Seize the deal! Get Microsoft® Office Ultimate 2007 for just £38.95.
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Seize the deal! Get Microsoft® Office Ultimate 2007 for just £38.95.
Red Herring: Microsoft Endgame (updated)
Aaron Swartz has launched Jottit and the homepage is brilliant. No help, no FAQ, just a big text-box and a button.
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The unit is the unit for the timout and sleep and is the value used by the datediff vbscript function - "s" = seconds, "n" = minutes. The function returns true if the computer was idle, false otherwise.
function WaitForIdle(timeout, delay, unit)
dim objWMIService, colItems, idleCounts, idleTime, objItem, startDate
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\CIMV2")
WaitForIdle = false
startDate = now
idleCounts = 0
' measure the idle time across processors every second until n consecutive measures are above 93 or timeout occurs
do until idleCounts >= 10 or DateDiff(unit, startDate, now) >= timeout
WScript.sleep 1000
Set colItems = _
objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT PercentIdleTime FROM Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor where name<>'_Total'", _
"WQL", wbemFlagReturnImmediately + wbemFlagForwardOnly)
if colItems.count >= 1 then
idleTime = 0
for each objItem in colItems
idleTime = idleTime + objItem.PercentIdleTime
idleTime = idleTime / colItems.count
if idleTime >= 93 then
idleCounts = idleCounts + 1
idleCounts = 0
end if
end if
WScript.Echo "Last idle: " & idleTime & ", count: " & idleCounts
WScript.Echo "count: " & idleCounts & ", timeout: " & (DateDiff(unit, startDate, now) >= timeout)
if idleCounts >= 10 then
WaitForIdle = true
startDate = now
do until DateDiff(unit, startDate, now) >= delay
WScript.sleep 1000
end if
end function
Wscript.Echo Now
if WaitForIdle(30, 10, "s") then
WScript.Echo "Done."
WScript.Echo "No can do."
end if
Wscript.Echo Now
19/09/2007 10:43:23
Last idle: 32.5, count: 0
Last idle: 54, count: 0
Last idle: 98, count: 1
Last idle: 73, count: 0
Last idle: 95, count: 1
Last idle: 82.5, count: 0
Last idle: 96.5, count: 1
Last idle: 94.5, count: 2
Last idle: 52.5, count: 0
Last idle: 98, count: 1
Last idle: 65, count: 0
Last idle: 24.5, count: 0
Last idle: 91.5, count: 0
Last idle: 100, count: 1
Last idle: 93, count: 2
Last idle: 42, count: 0
Last idle: 79, count: 0
Last idle: 82, count: 0
Last idle: 90, count: 0
Last idle: 100, count: 1
count: 1, timeout: True
No can do.
19/09/2007 10:43:54
It might be real
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Expand Your Desktop Space
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- Announcement of a new Domino Web Access lightweight mode, a very fast and lightweight UI for DWA coming in 8.0.1.
- Announcement of Notes Traveler, a new feature of Domino 8.0.1 to support push mail to Windows Mobile devices at no additional cost. This announcement was in addition to the existing partnerships with RIM, Nokia, Motorola's Good Technology, CommonTime, iAnywhere, and Visto.
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RSS Bandit + NewsGator Online: Your Feeds on the Desktop and on the Web
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Microsoft suffers decisive antitrust defeat in EuropeAlso: What will Microsoft’s loss in Europe mean to customers?
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VMware Unveils Next Generation Hypervisor to be Integrated in Server HardwareUnfortunately products are some months off.
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In The Great Decoupling McAfee talks about the break between the right to make decisions and the flow of information. In the past information has been expensive to create and deliver and therefore access to this information was restricted to those who make decisions. Clearly this is founded on the fact that information is what underpins decisions. However, as communication costs fall the ability to deliver information is certainly not a barrier and it become possible to give more information to more people. Although this may enable some decentralisation of decision making it doesn't require it.
What prompted me to come back to McAfee's post was a post by Larry Dignan, Business intelligence: The next frontier. There's nothing too surprising here as he talks about BI and links with Enterprise Search. Referencing another of his posts, Peter Biddle: Enterprise social networking ready for lift-off, Dignan comes to the conclusion, "Over time, I could see some of those aforementioned approaches (BI + social networking + search) merging together perhaps with a company like Autonomy."
Then there's the Semantic Web and SOA folks, call the BI department ASAP: an interesting addition to the discussion.
How does this play into your overall strategy for BI?I think that Google Gears is one of the most exciting developments around at the moment. It's a library that anyone can use to build offline capabilities into their web based application. Firefox is doing something similar for FFv3, but fortunately working with Google on creating a standard interface - which would mean an application would work irrespective of which (Firefox or Google) offline library was in use. This is going to transform our use of the web.
Well, Google's Feed Reader (Google Reader) now has offline capabilities using Google Gears. It was the lack of this capability in web based readers that motivated me to push a desktop feed reader as our standard - and we ended up with RSS Bandit. So I gave it a go and it one feature that I wish RSS Bandit has - it shows links that haven't had postings for a while... dead blogs. This feature greatly enhances how you manage information sources, keeping the feeds trim.
I was preparing to ditch RSS Bandit and try Google Reader for a few weeks to see how I got on, when I discovered that Google Gears won't install on a machine inside a firewall. So I could do this at home, but not in the office. Doh!
Although this might sound like I nearly found an RSS Bandit Killer, that is not the case. The biggest remaining weakness of online readers like this is that they cannot access internal feeds.
Privacy fears as Facebook makes member listings public: make sure you check your settings as the default is that your profile is indexed by search engines like Google and Yahoo.
XP SP3: TechNet and MSDN subscribers to get beta in two weeks: This caught me by surprise.
Sophos reports on the rise and fall of PDF spam: PDF trojan appears to have not worked.
Why watermarking is a bigger devil than DRM: There's one prediction I wish I had put on my list at the beginning of the year is the demise of DRM. Watermarking is a technique for creating a digital fingerprint on top of content that cannot be removed. It is supposed not to affect the quality of the original, but Ou makes a good case against that probability. Now I hate watermarking too.