Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Goodbye Google Reader

Having blogged how I nearly dumped RSS Bandit I found out today that RSS Bandit has a minor upgrade recently and one of the things Dare has fixed is the integration with NewsGator. Although I've continued to use Bandit I have also started using Google Reader because of the social emergent behaviour - I can tag items I like and they feed straight into this blog. What Google lacks in this arena (at least as far as I can discover) is any way to see who else has shared a feed I've shared. If I recall NewsGator had a lot of good emergent features - UPDATE: guess I recall wrong; I can't see any emergent features.

Looks like the honeymoon period with Google Reader may be over.

UPDATE: Ok, so I can't decide between Google and NewsGator. I'll continue to use both for while. If only RSS Bandit was able to sync with Google Reader I'd be happy, it's far and away a better experience (and faster!) than NewsGator.

Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life - RSS Bandit + NewsGator Online: Your Feeds on the Desktop and on the Web
RSS Bandit + NewsGator Online: Your Feeds on the Desktop and on the Web

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