Monday, 5 November 2007

The standard Microsoft stuff

My initial response on seeing the title and the link in the text to Google Gears was, "Oh no, here goes MS again making up their own thing while the rest of the industry tries to collaborate." But looking below that first flash scan this is clearly an evolution of a lot of work. I remember the SSE extensions to RSS being one of the new things to emerge when Ray Ozzie joined the company - hardly a surprise given his history sync back at Lotus.

I have to say this is a compelling bit of technology, but it scares me stupid. Doesn't anyone realise how disruptive P2P technologies are on the ability to do capacity/availability planning when they're brought in to the network. Where I work we have one P2P product that we use to distribute some large files. It works very well, but it can create some horrible storms. We have had to put in place seed machines in various locations.

» Microsoft delivers first test build of its online-offline sync platform | All about Microsoft |
Microsoft posted for download on November 4 a first test build of what it’s calling the Microsoft Sync Framework, technology that will allow developers to take their Web services and databases offline.
UPDATE: Mary Jo-Foley just published another article that contains more details.

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