Sunday, 6 November 2011

Managing Requirements

I just posted these thoughts on managing requirements on G+:

Sailesh wrote an interesting post on requirements here:

I agree with him that management of requirements is so important, but a challenging thing to do and not helped by the tools we have at our disposal. Nevertheless, manage them we must and I organise the requirements I come across into Business strategy, Functional requirements and Deficiencies.

Strategy/Vision is perhaps not strictly speaking a set of requirements. However, as change can arise directly from strategic initiatives I capture them as requirements, although I might equally create functional requirements derived from strategy elements.

Functional requirements are things that we would like to, but are currently unable to do. This might be launching a new product or reducing travel through the use of video conferencing. Deficiencies capture requirements that address things that aren't quite right in the way the business operates or in the applications, data or systems we use.

I intend (but don't always succeed because the model isn't complete) to trace all functional requirements and deficiencies back to a source: either business drivers (captured as strategy requirements) or business process or technology.

I am using Sparx EA to model requirements along with the conceptual model I have been building of the business process and application landscape. As Sailesh points out, the tools available aren't great, but manage requirements we must... so a man's gotta do... I'd love to know how others have tackled this challenge.

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