Friday, 28 September 2007

Would you like some XP with that?

This has got to be deeply embarrassing for Microsoft. Looks like all those features they got rid of were killer features as we all said at the time.

Microsoft extends Windows XP's stay | Tech News on ZDNet
The move indicates the continued demand for the older operating system, some nine months after Windows Vista hit store shelves.

Get your picture taken by Google Maps

If you haven't seen the street level stuff that Google has added to GoogleMaps you gotta take a look. Now, aparently they're doing London. Chase that car.

Dvorak Uncensored » Google’s vehicle used for its Street View service sighted in London
Google’s vehicle used for its Street View service sighted in London

Thursday, 27 September 2007

What's my affinity

An interesting article from a social networking point of view.

Networking for productivity and profit, Research & Trends, HR, Expatica
Networking for productivity and profit

Affinity groups, social capital, connectivity approach are just some of the words coined in the 21st century which reflect the growing importance of networking in business today. In this two-part feature Sharri Whiting examines the power of influence in the global marketplace.

Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Are you logged in whilst reading this

then beware - the link below is ok, but read carefully before clicking on.

» Bullseye on Google: Hackers expose holes in GMail, Blogspot, Search Appliance | Ryan Naraine’s Zero Day |
Bullseye on Google: Hackers expose holes in GMail, Blogspot, Search Appliance

Facebook IM - solution or problem

Not another IM Client.

The last thing we need is another one. However, if it forces more openness in the IM market, as argued in the post, I'll get behind it.

» Facebook IM on deck? | Between the Lines |
Facebook may be getting instant messaging.

Sunday, 23 September 2007

Deployment Connections

If you're looking at the IBM Lotus Connections product this deployment wiki may be useful.

If you've seen it, are you like me? I just don't get the community element of Connections; such a limited feature set and nothing to really draw me in. Why can't I post some explanation with a bookmark that give the link context within the community? How about a discussion, something to interact with the community; or perhaps it should just be removed with the expectation that a team space (like Lotus Quickr) takes it place. At least then it will be useful.

IBM developerWorks: Wikis - IBM Lotus Connections Deployment Wiki - Home
Welcome to the IBM® Lotus® Connections Deployment wiki where you can find information to help you get up and running quickly with Lotus Connections.
Found on Ed Brill's blog

Friday, 21 September 2007

In the news

Enterprise 2.0 is Now Free: McAfee's pivotal publication is free to download for a limited period.

Microsoft offers Oracle defectors up to 50 percent off SQL Server: The battle is hotting up

Yahoo scoops up Zimbra for $350 million : Yahoo gets into the Office in the Cloud Club.

SCO files for bankruptcy: Serves them right.

Microsoft preps customers early in hopes of avoiding DST fallout: It's that time of year again folks. I blame Bush.

Microsoft has changed (some of) its monopolistic ways: There isn't an evil plan, although some parts of the business still have the old mindset.

Student? Get MS Office for a steal

If you're a student this is too good to pass up. It's genuine.

The Ultimate Steal presented by Microsoft
Seize the deal! Get Microsoft® Office Ultimate 2007 for just £38.95.

Powered by ScribeFire.

Student? Get MS Office for a steal

If you're a student this is too good to pass up. It's genuine.

The Ultimate Steal presented by Microsoft
Seize the deal! Get Microsoft® Office Ultimate 2007 for just £38.95.

Thursday, 20 September 2007

Microsoft Endgame, I don't think

Despite Ed Brill's exuberance at the recent announcement from IBM and the bad day in court for MS I think the impact will be minimal. MS will continue to dominate for at least for the next 3-5 years.

The court case won't change what MS does with Vista, so it has until the next OS release to decide what can be in and out - circa 2010. By then what will they have done with Office Live, S+S etc. and what will the position of the OS be as things move into the cloud.

IBMs commitment to Open Office is great and will make the product more compelling. Perhaps we'll see some penetration into the SOHO market, but I doubt penetration will be high into the Fortune 500 crowd.

Some commenters talk of Google Office replacing the lot. Well it's highly likely that things will move more online and those protagonists talking of needing local applications haven't been keeping up with developments such as Google Gears.

Ed Brill
Red Herring: Microsoft Endgame (updated)

How simple can you make a wiki

What a brilliant concept Jottit is - keeping it simple. Unfortunately not close enough to a GUI editor for non-techies, it uses Markdown.

from Scott Hanselman's Computer Zen - Launching your Web 2.0 Site with a Giant Text Box
Aaron Swartz has launched Jottit and the homepage is brilliant. No help, no FAQ, just a big text-box and a button.

Powered by ScribeFire.

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Is it idle?

The number of things that we run when a machine boots or user logs in continues to grow and boot times are an issue. RSS Bandit is a case in point and on my machine Bandit introduces a 45s delay to boot time.

I wrote a vbscript that waits for 5 minutes before running Bandit and replaced the Bandit run command in the registry with my script. This works well enough if the machine has done with all the startup events within 5 minutes. What if it hasn't? So I created this routine that will detect idle time on the computer.

function WaitForIdle(timeout, delay, unit)
dim objWMIService, colItems, idleCounts, idleTime, objItem, startDate
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\CIMV2")

WaitForIdle = false

startDate = now
idleCounts = 0
' measure the idle time across processors every second until n consecutive measures are above 93 or timeout occurs
do until idleCounts >= 10 or DateDiff(unit, startDate, now) >= timeout
WScript.sleep 1000
Set colItems = _
objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT PercentIdleTime FROM Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor where name<>'_Total'", _
"WQL", wbemFlagReturnImmediately + wbemFlagForwardOnly)

if colItems.count >= 1 then
idleTime = 0
for each objItem in colItems
idleTime = idleTime + objItem.PercentIdleTime
idleTime = idleTime / colItems.count
if idleTime >= 93 then
idleCounts = idleCounts + 1
idleCounts = 0
end if
end if
WScript.Echo "Last idle: " & idleTime & ", count: " & idleCounts

WScript.Echo "count: " & idleCounts & ", timeout: " & (DateDiff(unit, startDate, now) >= timeout)

if idleCounts >= 10 then
WaitForIdle = true
startDate = now
do until DateDiff(unit, startDate, now) >= delay
WScript.sleep 1000
end if
end function

Wscript.Echo Now

if WaitForIdle(30, 10, "s") then
WScript.Echo "Done."
WScript.Echo "No can do."
end if

Wscript.Echo Now
The unit is the unit for the timout and sleep and is the value used by the datediff vbscript function - "s" = seconds, "n" = minutes. The function returns true if the computer was idle, false otherwise.

Sample output:

19/09/2007 10:43:23
Last idle: 32.5, count: 0
Last idle: 54, count: 0
Last idle: 98, count: 1
Last idle: 73, count: 0
Last idle: 95, count: 1
Last idle: 82.5, count: 0
Last idle: 96.5, count: 1
Last idle: 94.5, count: 2
Last idle: 52.5, count: 0
Last idle: 98, count: 1
Last idle: 65, count: 0
Last idle: 24.5, count: 0
Last idle: 91.5, count: 0
Last idle: 100, count: 1
Last idle: 93, count: 2
Last idle: 42, count: 0
Last idle: 79, count: 0
Last idle: 82, count: 0
Last idle: 90, count: 0
Last idle: 100, count: 1
count: 1, timeout: True
No can do.
19/09/2007 10:43:54

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Batter up

Some commenters claim they were there and it's real!

Dvorak Uncensored » Video - That Would Never Happen In A Hundred Years…
It might be real

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No substitute

I've always been attracted to the concept of mulitple desktops, but some applications (often Java based ones) don't seem to obey the rules and I end up with clutter across the desktops. Mulitple monitors is always a better solution to the desktop clutter problem. Now if this was switching between logged on users that would be really something.

Otaku Software
Expand Your Desktop Space

via Scott Hanselman's Computer Zen - DeskSpace - Beryl-like 3D Cube Virtual Desktop Manager for Vista

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Note this

For anyone using Notes as their email client these two items in particular are good news.

Ed Brill
  • Announcement of a new Domino Web Access lightweight mode, a very fast and lightweight UI for DWA coming in 8.0.1.
  • Announcement of Notes Traveler, a new feature of Domino 8.0.1 to support push mail to Windows Mobile devices at no additional cost. This announcement was in addition to the existing partnerships with RIM, Nokia, Motorola's Good Technology, CommonTime, iAnywhere, and Visto.

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Goodbye Google Reader

Having blogged how I nearly dumped RSS Bandit I found out today that RSS Bandit has a minor upgrade recently and one of the things Dare has fixed is the integration with NewsGator. Although I've continued to use Bandit I have also started using Google Reader because of the social emergent behaviour - I can tag items I like and they feed straight into this blog. What Google lacks in this arena (at least as far as I can discover) is any way to see who else has shared a feed I've shared. If I recall NewsGator had a lot of good emergent features - UPDATE: guess I recall wrong; I can't see any emergent features.

Looks like the honeymoon period with Google Reader may be over.

UPDATE: Ok, so I can't decide between Google and NewsGator. I'll continue to use both for while. If only RSS Bandit was able to sync with Google Reader I'd be happy, it's far and away a better experience (and faster!) than NewsGator.

Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life - RSS Bandit + NewsGator Online: Your Feeds on the Desktop and on the Web
RSS Bandit + NewsGator Online: Your Feeds on the Desktop and on the Web

Powered by ScribeFire.

Monday, 17 September 2007


At least the EU seems to have some teeth. As Dvorak says - interesting to see what impact this has on the company.

Dvorak Uncensored » Microsoft suffers decisive antitrust defeat in Europe
Microsoft suffers decisive antitrust defeat in Europe
Also: What will Microsoft’s loss in Europe mean to customers?

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Hardware embedded virtual platform from VMWare

VMWare just keeps on innovating. This has got to be one the most exciting announcements in the vitualisation space. While all other vendors are going hell-for-leather down an hypervisor route, playing catchup; VMWare innovates by putting it into firmware.

VMware Unveils Next Generation Hypervisor to be Integrated in Server Hardware - VMware
VMware Unveils Next Generation Hypervisor to be Integrated in Server Hardware
Unfortunately products are some months off.

Powered by ScribeFire.

Wednesday, 12 September 2007

Business Intelligence, information and decisions

In The Great Decoupling McAfee talks about the break between the right to make decisions and the flow of information. In the past information has been expensive to create and deliver and therefore access to this information was restricted to those who make decisions. Clearly this is founded on the fact that information is what underpins decisions. However, as communication costs fall the ability to deliver information is certainly not a barrier and it become possible to give more information to more people. Although this may enable some decentralisation of decision making it doesn't require it.

What prompted me to come back to McAfee's post was a post by Larry Dignan, Business intelligence: The next frontier. There's nothing too surprising here as he talks about BI and links with Enterprise Search. Referencing another of his posts, Peter Biddle: Enterprise social networking ready for lift-off, Dignan comes to the conclusion, "Over time, I could see some of those aforementioned approaches (BI + social networking + search) merging together perhaps with a company like Autonomy."

Then there's the Semantic Web and SOA folks, call the BI department ASAP: an interesting addition to the discussion.

How does this play into your overall strategy for BI?

I nearly dumped RSS Bandit

I think that Google Gears is one of the most exciting developments around at the moment. It's a library that anyone can use to build offline capabilities into their web based application. Firefox is doing something similar for FFv3, but fortunately working with Google on creating a standard interface - which would mean an application would work irrespective of which (Firefox or Google) offline library was in use. This is going to transform our use of the web.

Well, Google's Feed Reader (Google Reader) now has offline capabilities using Google Gears. It was the lack of this capability in web based readers that motivated me to push a desktop feed reader as our standard - and we ended up with RSS Bandit. So I gave it a go and it one feature that I wish RSS Bandit has - it shows links that haven't had postings for a while... dead blogs. This feature greatly enhances how you manage information sources, keeping the feeds trim.

I was preparing to ditch RSS Bandit and try Google Reader for a few weeks to see how I got on, when I discovered that Google Gears won't install on a machine inside a firewall. So I could do this at home, but not in the office. Doh!

Although this might sound like I nearly found an RSS Bandit Killer, that is not the case. The biggest remaining weakness of online readers like this is that they cannot access internal feeds.

Thursday, 6 September 2007

In the news

Acer buys Gateway and overtakes Lenovo as the third largest PC/Laptop manufacturer behind HP and Dell. This move dramatically increases Acer's penetration into the American market, where Gateway was the third largest producer. This is bad for Lenovo.

Privacy fears as Facebook makes member listings public: make sure you check your settings as the default is that your profile is indexed by search engines like Google and Yahoo.

XP SP3: TechNet and MSDN subscribers to get beta in two weeks: This caught me by surprise.

Sophos reports on the rise and fall of PDF spam: PDF trojan appears to have not worked.

Why watermarking is a bigger devil than DRM: There's one prediction I wish I had put on my list at the beginning of the year is the demise of DRM. Watermarking is a technique for creating a digital fingerprint on top of content that cannot be removed. It is supposed not to affect the quality of the original, but Ou makes a good case against that probability. Now I hate watermarking too.