I built a Video Conferencing Maturity Model into a strategy document I was working on. As I wasn't able to find a VC MM I began by constructing a generic maturity model. I found this a most useful tool in the creation of the VC strategy and hope that my generic MM will enable the reuse of this tool in other strategy documents.
I took input from the Capability Maturity Model (Wikipeadia) and a paper by Tapia, "IT Process Architectures for Enterprises Development: A Survey from a Maturity Model Perspective". My MM adds a bit on to the definitions found in the above resources - mainly I drew in management reporting - KPIs. In my VC MM I touched on organisational culture and it may be possible to work this back into the GMM.
At any rate, without further comment here is my Generic Maturity Model as it stands today.
Level 1 – Initial
Processes are not standardised and ad hoc approaches are applied on a case by case basis. The environment is unstable. Success depends on the competencies and heroics of people. Success is not repeatable.
Level 2 – Repeatable
Success is repeatable although failure remains a risk and errors are likely. Processes exist and these work for most use cases. Communication is lacking and many remain ignorant of the process and the benefit on offer. Correct use relies on individual knowledge or accidental discovery.
Level 3 – Defined
Standardised functional processes are established and improving. Awareness of capability and how to use it is well known. A high degree of consistency is achieved, although deviations from the process are unlikely to be detected. Some measurements are in place with basic quantitative KPIs.
Level 4 –Managed
Standardised functional processes are in place and compliance is monitored. Deviation is detected and corrective steps are proactive taken. Processes are under constant improvement. Automation is limited or fragmented. Measurements are in place with both quantitative and qualitative KPIs.
Level 5 – Optimised
Processes are refined, comparable with other organisations and maintained as best practice. Automation is used effectively. Measurements and KPIs are exposed through dashboards in near real time.
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